"Refried beans, but not really..."
These are not your typical pinto or black bean refried beans, which are yumm-o and I like to make. I simply didn’t have any around and really wanted to make beans to go with the mushroom tacos. What I did have was dried Kidney and Adzuki beans.About a year ago, I started keeping different types of dried beans around the house, because canned anything is just gross. It may take a bit longer but the health benefits far out way the time. Plus it forces me to manage my time a bit better. Personally I soak my beans for a couple hours before I cook them. Here is a quick guide from Whole Foods on cooking beans.
The reason for having Kidney and Adzuki beans around would be the health benefits of these two power houses. Adzuki beans, are originally from China and are used in all types of Asian cooking. We first discovered them while living in Korea Town, EVERYTHING has red bean paste! We all know the kidney bean and are quite use to it being in our chili... they are the main reason I don’t like chili with beans, funny right. But guess what... they hold flavor like no bodies business! And since white beans aka cannellini beans which are my FAVORITE are actually the same as kidney beans I decided to give them a try. Check out what Dr. Weil says about Adzuki and Kidney beans.
Alrighty, then enough with the bean talk let’s get to the recipe- all of this is with pre-soaked beans.
1 cup Kidney Beans
1 cup Adzuki Beans
2 table spoons chopped Cilantro
zest from 1 organic lime
juice from 1 lime
1/2 onion chopped
1 table spoon coconut oil
1 pinch of himalayan pink salt
6 cups or more of water
2 drops doTerra Lime essential oil
Place beans on stove with the 6 cups of water and bring to a boil for 10 mins. Reduce heat to a low ...add the zest from the lime, the lime juice, 1 table spoon of cilantro , onion and the table spoon of coconut oil. Cover and let cook for 3 hours. Checking regularly to make sure that the water is still covering the beans, if it get to low just add more water.
After 3 hours(when you soak your beans overnight it doesn’t really take 3 hours, it take maybe 1.5 hours) make sure the beans are cooked. Add 2 drops of the doTerra Lime essential oil, the rest of the fresh cilantro stir well. And now for the fun part start smashing those beans!!!! Or if you have a Immersion blender you can use that. Blend away until you have refried beans! Serve with brown rice and your mushroom tacos! Also you could add a little Queso Fresco if you wanted...
Sorry it's not a better photo, but these guys where heading out to a client .....
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