Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Door

I open the door to find an open field, the colors become clearer as the suns first rays reach out to join us. The wild flowers seem to be signing with joy and the green of the grass flows into the leaves of the trees. Which flow to the blues, yellows, peaches and reds of the breaking dawn. I can hear the birds singing a new song of morning, so different than the clanging of swords that have been raging this night. I have come to meet my Lord, to talk about the days plans. My body and soul are tired and need rest, but there is much still to do.

There He is standing looking radinent and handsome beyond words. His arms are open waiting for me . I choke back tears of joy at seeing Him and knowing the nearness of Him. As we embrace the warmth of the sun fills me, the darkness of the past has gone. This moment is all I can think about, not what has happened or what still needs to happen, but this moment with the one that Loves me with a Love that is beyond any other. It is perfect to behold. He knows my thoughts before I even think them, with Him there is no worry or concern. We walk over to the brook to sit , filled with peace that gives me strength, I am able to be myself. No longer afraid that I might disappoint my Lord, I open my heart.

Words spill from my mouth " I can't fight any longer, it's too hard. My body is too weak, there is too much to do!! I no longer see the vision you have called me to, this last battle is too much and my body is unable to recover. I must hand over the reigns to another, one more worthy of the call. One who is stronger." I take my sword and cross bow and lay them at my Masters feet. And say I am sorry I have failed you tears begin to roll down my face. With his gentle touch he lifts my head and looks into my very soul and says " My darling one, you have not failed me, you know not of the things you have accomplished for Me and my Kingdom . Your battles have been hard but you have trusted in me and we have been victorious. The Battle has been won! NO longer must you fight, but you will spend your days by my side, for I know the cry of your heart. From this day forward you shall spend your time in my courts with me and never else where...

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