Thursday, September 3, 2009

Raw Coconut Lime Cookies- So Yummy

For those of you that know me, my trip into Raw Food, has got to make you laugh and laugh hard. You know I love to cook everything, so that part is not a surprise, but to try Raw Desserts and crave them over yummy Red Velvet CAKES - WHAT!  But yes, I am really enjoying it. So is Sid for that matter :O)

While I am writing this lil' o’l blogger I am listening to the Wicked sound track and thinking of my friend Carol and her love of all things "Wicked and Sweet"

   While I am not 100% vegetarian or raw I do a good bit of it.  I'll do another post on all that later :O) These cookies are a great way to get started... especially when you are craving something sweet and a little crunchy :O) I think they would go great with a watermelon martini!

Original recipe from "LIVING RAW FOOD” by sarma melngailis

The Equipment you will need is:

Food Processor, Dehydrator (or a freezer :O))

2 cups macadamia nuts 

(I only had 1.5 cups so I added 1/3 cup of ground golden flax seeds)

1 cup shredded dried coconut

1-tablespoon lime zest

(helpful hint buy a zester it is so much easier)

1-teaspoon sea salt

1/4 cup agave nectar 

(I used Vanilla Agave Nectar recipe to follow)

2 tablespoon freshly squeezed lime juice

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Place the nuts in the freezer to chill for a few minutes (I had them in there for 8-10 minutes, this helps with the oils in macadamia nuts) Once chilled, pulse the nuts, coconut, & lime zest in a food processor until the mixture is well combined but still a bit chunky. BE careful not to over process the mixture or it will become oily.

Transfer the mixture to a bowl, add the remaining ingredients, and combine well. (I just tossed the other ingredients in the food processor and mixed it in there for those of you wondering if you can do that). - I am all about less to clean up!

Using a ice cream scoop, spoon rounds of dough onto Teflex lined; dehydrator tray and flatten then into round cookies, about ½-inch thick. Dehydrate for about 24 hrs or until cookies reach the desired consistency.


·      Alright if you do not have a dehydrator, simply shape like cookies place between parchment, and put them in the freezer to harden for a chilled, crunchy cookie snack.

·      Also We don’t have a crazy fancy dehydrator yet, waiting till we move. So I just use parchment paper in ours works great!


Vanilla Agave Nectar - from Rebecca's infusion Kitchen

1 bottle Raw Organic Agave

1/2 of an Organic Vanilla Bean

open bottle

splice open the vanilla bean by running the pairing knife down the center, pull it slightly open drop in bottle with nectar... let the nectar sit for a few days. Then use as normal and enjoy a yummy treat!

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